Programs for
Improve every area of your child’s life – for the rest of their life.
Life Changing Benefits
Our kids jiu jitsu program, designed for kids 4-12 years old, provides character development and personal growth that affects every area of life.
- Create lifetime appreciation for fitness
- Build self-confidence
- Improve discipline and self-control
- Enhance focus and attention span
- Prevent bullying
- Meet other high-character friends
We have the best kids Brazilian jiu jitsu program in Sugar Hill, GA.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)
BJJ is the foundation of our Kids Martial Arts Program. BJJ is the martial art used in bully prevention programs that have been praised by Oprah, CNN, and parents worldwide due to its effectiveness, ability to deter bullies, and its physical and character development traits.
Fitness and Coordination
Our BJJ training incorporates a variety of organic motions and movement patterns that when continually repeated, help your child to naturally develop functional strength, coordination, motor skills, mobility and body awareness.
Personal Growth
We encourage students to actively work on their character and to show care and respect for coaches and peers, to provide leadership for younger students, and to act with discipline, honour, humility and consideration.
Social Skills
Our inclusive program encourages interaction with kids of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. We provide a supportive environment that promotes positive engagement between students both on and off the mats.
End Bullying
By learning verbal responses and jiu jitsu self-defense techniques, kids gain the self-confidence to defuse confrontations before they escalate and the skills to protect themselves, if attacked.
Bullying is a serious social issue and epidemic in schools today, and it has ripple effects throughout our communities.
- 280,000 kids are physically attacked each month
- Every 7 minutes a kid is bullied on a playground in the US
- Every year, 3 million children miss school due to bullying
- 70% of students believe schools respond poorly to bullying and that adult help is infrequent
Don’t let your child be a victim – give them the power to end bullying today!
of students are bullied
were physically attacked last year
missed school due to bullying last year